Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Ending Our Enslavement to the Scale Once And For All!
When you wake up in the morning, do you immediately want to jump on the scale or examine your body in the mirror?
What is it you are trying to accomplish? What Gods are you trying to appease? Is it the God of the outside-in, the one who tells you that you are okay or not by the pounds you weigh or the flesh on your abdomen?
Let's slow the process down and notice what happens...You wake up, not fully conscious yet, not wholly in your body. The first thoughts that come to you are "how did I do last night?; Was I "good"?; Did I lose weight?; Was I "bad"?; Did I overeat and put on 2 pounds?. Uncertainty and anxiety arise. It feels imperative to have the mirror or the scale TELL YOU if you are okay, if you are good enough. The numbers are your masters, your authorities, the ones who can make or break your day by their split-second pronouncements. Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the thinnest one of all?
Every morning, you hope that these authorities will reward you, tell you indeed that you are good enough, maybe even great. You will then be able to go on with your day with your head high, your confidence raised, and maybe even a swagger in those thin hips of yours. Be aware, though,that this happiness is fleeting: eat 100 calories "too much", run 5 mns less than you "should" and you could quickly incur the wrath of your gods all over again. You are not safe for long.
What about those days when the scale or the mirror, the Gods, tell you instead that you have gained weight? Without a doubt, you are being told that you are a screw-up, a failure, a weakling, a good-for-nothing human being who will never succeed at anything but stuffing your face. Your day is ruined. You throw on your largest sweatpants, a large shirt, and try to hide your body most of the day. You spend your time battling between the gods who are ordering you to starve yourself today because you deserve to be punished and the part of you that wants to eat and eat and eat because you are worthless anyway...Can you see how much pain you let into your life through these Gods?
Is there a solution, a way to free yourself from these Gods that they can stop ruling your life with an iron fist???
GET RID OF THE SCALE!!!(or any external ways to evaluate your body, including the mirror, pants, etc..)
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to get rid of these false Gods as soon as you are ready. Can you understand that you have been letting "things" define who you are and/or whether you are good enough? Are you aware by now that these false Gods won't ever bring you the happiness that they promise you? Are you willing to take a leap of faith and find out who you are and who your Body is from the inside-out?
I promise you that you will discover a journey filled with so much more happiness than you ever expected. Yes, the false gods give you the short-term, immediate possibility of pleasure (if you've been good), but they drag along with it a tremendous amount of pain as well. Working from the inside-out is not as immediately pleasurable, but it will bring you joy and peace and love that is deep and lasting.
Let me know when you get rid of your false Gods! Let's take this journey to the inside-out together.
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